Dear Valued Customer,
Solid hardwood is a beautiful product of nature. It breathes, expands and contracts. Man-made products cannot duplicate the richness, texture and look of “real” wood. From the acceptance of material into our mill, to the 6-step sanding process we have developed, our goal is to provide you, our customer, with a quality product and excellent service. Our sales staff is knowledgeable in our products and understands the level of commitment Harris Door makes to each customer. Founded in 1959,we know what it takes to maintain long-lasting business relationships.
Below are our guidelines and specification concerning our products. They are designed to answer questions and help educate the customer as to the nature and characteristics of real wood.
We appreciate the interest you have shown in our products and look forward to building a long and prosperous business relationship.
Tim J. Harris, President
Harris Door & Drawer, Inc.
Ordering Instructions:
- Order by the exact door and drawer front size. Do not give us opening sizes.
- Orders are taken by mail, e-mail, phone or fax. Orders taken by phone are repeated back for accuracy. It is the responsibility of the customer to verify the order as it is repeated. Once repeated and approved by the customer, our written phone order is considered correct and firm.
- Fax orders are accepted 24 hours a day at (770) 945-4041.
- E-mail orders are accepted 24 hours a day via our Contact Us page.
- Orders are normally placed into production 24 hours after receipt. Once in production, cancellations or changes will be made at the expense of the customer.
Performance Standards:
- Dimensions: All door sizes will be stated width by height.
- Thickness: Nominal thickness of finished product, unless otherwise stated, will be 3/4”. Conformance thickness range will be .750 +/-, 15/1000 or 1/64”.
- Width: To size requested +/- 1/16”.
- Height: To size requested +/- 1/16”.
- Sanding: Wide belt sanding, five grits, starting with 100, 120, 150 and ending with finish sanding sanding of 180 grit. Manual inspection and touch-ups with a palm sander are performed before a final machining step of denibbing and easing of edges completes the sanding process.
- Lumber: Solid center panels - glued up lumber (when applicable).
- Alignment: Raised center panels to be 1/16” within front or face surface of stiles and rails. Panels must be centered to the naked eye and pinned into position at the rear with one pin at top and one pin at bottom.
- Glue Up: Lumber strips for glued up components minimum width of 1 1/2”.
- Squareness: Overall door and panel raise both must be square in both height and width to a maximum variance of 1/32” per foot.
- Warpage: Maximum allowance of 1/8” in any dimension.
- Cosmetics: All parts shall be free from cross-grain scratches and visible machining marks, i.e. chatter from planer, tenoners or wide belt sanders. Tear out that is either visable or may be felt to touch is not within compliance.
Phone: (770) 945-7014 • Fax: (770) 945-4041 • Email: info@harrisdoor.com
5042 Bristol Industrial Way • Buford, Georgia 30518